Thursday 29 September 2016

Music Video Analysis- 'Weight In Gold'

The song 'Weight in Gold' by Gallant is based on his personal life/experiences; "It's about just really feeling like you're weighed down, in a really dangerous way.I know that when I was writing
The music video 'Weight In Gold' by Gallant is a narrative based video, consisting of scenes where it's solemnly scenes of gallant, himself, portraying some sort of story, by the use of facial expressions and freestyle dancing/movements.

The lighting continuously goes from light to dark.. areas where the lights brightened up occur when the beat drops in the song or where we have a sudden climax, this adds a unique effect onto the music video.. rather than it being different shots of him just lip syncing, it allows us to feel the music in a way/ feel the raw emotion of the musician.

Overall, the music video starts off quite basic and simple then slowly turns very dramatic as you're met with blinding flashes of light as the song hits
it's climax which many occurs in the chorus. the beginning of the music video emits some sort of calm and serene setting, this consists of a simple candle stick being lit up and then suddenly going out this continues until around 0.47 seconds, which is when the song begins to build up and reach the climax.this allows us to see a sudden change in his feelings and the way he expresses the meaning of the lyrics through anger now.

The lyrics of the song contain strong emotion, followed by the music video which just simply explains what Gallant had felt at the time, he states in an interview concerning this specific song that: "It dared to let people in my life a little bit more with using extreme encryption or metaphor."

Image result for gallant weight in gold mv gifImage result for gallant weight in gold gif
generally, allowing us to understand the struggles and negative aspects of his life that he shared with the world through his song 'Weight in Gold'

Thursday 8 September 2016

Music Video Analysis- 'Fine China'

The music video 'Fine China' by Chris Brown is a per-formative/narrative based video, consisting of scenes where it's solemnly characters speaking (narrative) and scenes were there's full on dancing (performance). You could also argue that this music video is entirely narrative based whilst also containing some elements of performance, I agree with either.

Narrative wise; the opening scene is kicked off without the song for the first minute. In this whole minute the story begins to set, we are introduced to a girl and her dad, that seem to be arguing about a guy she likes but the dad doesn’t give the impression of approval hence why he refers to him as a “outsider, thug”
Then there's a over the shoulder view of the girl looking out the window as a bright red Lamborghini pulls up outside someone steps out an we're introduced to the leading male role, Chris Brown himself.  The first scene allows the audience to understand what is going to happen throughout the video and who the main characters of the story are going to be. 56 seconds into the music video the music finally starts as soon as the girl rebels against her dad.

Image result for chris brown fine china opening scenePerformance wise; When the music finally starts, Chris Brown and the girl exit the car they arrive at an alley way, this is when he begins to dance and other dancers come out of joining him, from watching the dance performance i noticed it gives off a Micheal Jackson inspired vibe. Brown's attire is very different from a common R&B artist, he looks very dapper with his checkered grey fedora, black slacks, button up shirt and a matching leather jacket, giving this song a jazz/R&B feel.