Our music video production started by choosing the genre of R&B/Ballad which was then followed by using a narrative based concept, which was based on the journey of a relationship until the breakup this was done by using flashbacks to showcase the happy memories, then the ending seen shows the breakdown of a relationship when it's over this is emphasised by the use of slow motion to highlight the emotions/feelings portrayed in such a scene. We also created our music video in the style of point of view(POV). The reason for this choice is because it's more realistic and relatable for the audience allowing them to understand the narrative as they could have also been in a relationship followed by a breakup. Additionally it reflects the 'artist' conveying emotion. We decided to portray the camera as the 'female character' rather than having a female in frame with the male lead, this allowed the audience to engage more with our music video as the male lead is frequently seen making direct eye contact with the camera.
To edit our music video we used the software application 'Final Cut Pro'. To open up the video we included the name of the artist followed by the song this was done by using the "text" feature. We used the "drifting" feature on the text in order to drift straight out and then be greeted by the establishing shot, this is a still shot at the train tracks that lasts for 30 seconds or less. This is then followed by the transition "cross dissolve" in order to show that we're moving to the next scene. Transitions were used frequently in order to swiftly cut into the next scene so that it makes sense without switching too abruptly and quickly which would confuse the audience and make the video seem messy.
We then overlayed a slow motion effect at 50% onto the the next scene were the male lead is seen walking as the camera follows his back this was used to make the pace match the song, this is shown straight after the use of a 'directional' effect where we change scenes to the male lead sitting down whilst on his phone this then links to the lyrics playing "you're hearing rumours about me..." Then we included another transitions to switch locations from a open area to a shopping centre.
In order to create the flashback scene we overlayed a camcorder effect in order for it to seem as if the "female" character is recording the male lead, we did this by searching for "overlay camcorder effect" on YouTube after having found a suitable one we then used the screenshot effect followed by the "snipping tool" effect to get rid of any unwanted features after we placed the image onto Photoshop fill the empty space black to match the background, after saving the photo it was then imported into Final Cut Pro in order to to be placed over the flashback scenes. Furthermore we used a "Sepia" filter in order for the flashback scenes contain the feel of the past and memories rather than a typical "black and white" effect. Finally, we used a slow motion effect once again to show the couple departing which concludes their relationship and overall the music video.
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